For Women
Can Tantra help heal sexual
abuse and trauma?
Can Tantra help me find a partner? Can Tantra help me be a better lover? Are you ready for tantra? Take the Quiz The heart-opening experience: What I mean by that is, the experience of being in love but without another person to be in love with, "Pure Love." In other words, I was in love with everyone and everything, felt totally at peace and physically beautiful. I was loving and clear and loved. I became Love Itself. My heart was clearly opening bit by bit. I became more loving, and more able to express love to others, more patient, more open, and less afraid of other people or their disapproval. I began to see my heart as a psychic organ as well as a physical one. I could put my attention in my heart when talking to a friend or client and know, in some inexplicable way, what they needed from me and how to give it to them."
The word "yoni" is a Sanskrit work meaning "sacred space" or "sacred temple" and it refers to the vagina. The yoni massage is something every woman should experience. It allows women to simply relax and enjoy all the attention that is put into their pleasure. It's also common for a woman to have sexual repressions, which reduce the quality of their sex life. This special massage helps to break those barriers down and make a significant improvement in a woman's sexuality. The Tantric art of Yoni massage Tantric massage is VERY sensual. It's purpose is to activate and spread sexual energy throughout your body. The pleasure you experience will do more to work against your negative conditioning about your body and your sexuality than anything else you can do or think.
The Benefits Of Massage & Touch Female Tantric balancing session
"The problem that I see with many people who are taking this spiritual path is that they try to work on the upper centers before they work with the body and the heart. Work on your heart first. When you start to feel yourself loving the people in the supermarket and crying at parades you will probably be ready to work on the other centers. One of the most interesting aspects of this process has been that I have developed an unshakeable sense of identity and Oness about ourselves. This is the self love which is talked about so much in books and workshops these days. Have you ever asked, "How?" when the workshop leader said that it is important to love yourself?" Spiritual Texts
Become a Tantra Therapist Break out and have fun,earn your livelihood as a Certified Tantra Practitioner. - heal, become conscious and centered, fulfilled and blissful You will attend the most comprehensive tantra educational training program currently available in New Zealand. Learn tantra from the experts,. Personally you will Clear energies that keep you from the love that's your birthright. Heal wounds that undermine your relationships. Become the teacher and healer you've always known you could be and earn a living while helping others heal, expand and grow. What could possibly be more rewarding? This is as good as it gets No experience required as full training given.Email us.Tantra Therapist |
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