Cosmic Spiritual Union
"The goal of human life,
is for the individual self to seek union with
supreme undifferentiated consciousness, to merge in union with the Divine"
Why have Cosmic Spiritual orgasm? Cosmic Spiritual orgasm will clear the body of repressed emotions, old hurts, and blocks. They put a bounce in your step. Cosmic Spiritual orgasms help pre-orgasmic women to become genitally orgasmic and help genitally orgasmic women to become much more multi-orgasmic ("megagasmic"), plus they make partner sex more ecstatic and fulfilling. It's safe sex, a good substitute for harmful addictions, Cosmic Spiritual orgasm can be an extremely spiritual experience, giving you a sense of the forces of creation rushing through you, a sense of going beyond the body/mind, a sence of Cosmic Spiritual Union, reminding you who you are beyond your everyday reality. Cosmic Spiritual Union is the ecstatic expanded experience producing altered states of consciousness. Is beyond the “Cosmic Spiritual orgasm:” a timeless, boundless state where orgasmic waves move through all the energy centers. and replenish the life force with release through the crown of the head.
What does a Cosmic Spiritual orgasm feel like? Incredible! Some are very strong, and some are wonderfully subtle. Generally, the more time you put into building up the energy, the more powerful the sensations. You'll experience "electricity" shooting through your entire body, hands feetand lips tingle, and there is a sense of release and receiving at the same time. You will feel high, euphoric and light-headed. It feels very different than a clitoral orgasm (but it can occur simultaneously with a clitoral orgasm).
Many women report a feeling of not having an orgasm but of being the orgasm, amazing space and freedom and a beautiful quiete serene mind
Body This changed my experience of sexuality forever… It blew up this kind of thing you have about sex, the good feeling you get from sexual experience, or try to get. It broke that because it was so obviously about submission. It wasn’t about me trying to do something. It was about me not doing something, but rater receiving or allowing it, rather than doing and creating and making.
Spiritual Tantric Sex: The Art Of The Multidimensional Orgasm Cosmic Spiritual Union
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Because the moment of orgasm is very small. In Tantra That moment can become very deep, that moment can remain there for hours. That moment, once you know the art of remaining in it, can surround you twenty-four hours. Tantra transforms orgasm. into Cosmic Spiritual Union Cosmic Spiritual Union Cosmic Spiritual orgasm clears the body of repressed emotions, old hurts, and blocks. Cosmic Spiritual orgasms help pre-orgasmic women to become genitally orgasmic and help genitally orgasmic women to become much more multi-orgasmic ("megagasmic"), plus they make partner sex more ecstatic and fulfilling. Cosmic Spiritual orgasms can be an extremely spiritual experience, giving you a sense of the forces of creation rushing through you, a sense of going beyond way beyond the body/mind,an amazing sence of Cosmic Spiritual Union, and reminding you who you are beyond your everyday reality..
Other things to know about Cosmic Spiritual orgasms: Be patient. At first you may not experience the orgasm part of this process. Some get it on their first try and for some it can take years. Keep practicing thje excersise your teacher gives you,.. Even if you don't experience the orgasm, just the breathing and energy circling alone is of great value. It will clear out blocks, so eventually the orgasm can move through you. Blocks can be experienced in many ways - crying, gagging, feeling frustrated, old memories surfacing. Just keep breathing. Visualize releasing the "old" on the exhale, ringing in the "new" on the inhale. Energy levels will most likely rise and fall, like mercury in a thermometer. Tell your teacher where it slipped to.. Your teacher will encourage you to tap into your sexual center when energy slips. One of the most important keys to learning this technique is KNOWING that it is possible.
Whenever Tantra says "sex-energy" it means the "elan-vital", the life-energy itself. They are synonymous. Whatsoever we call sex is just one dimension of life-energy. There are other "dimensions". And really it should be so.
You see a seed sprouting, somewhere flowers are coming on a tree, the birds are singing - the whole phenomenon is sexual. It is life manifesting itself in many ways. When the bird is singing it is a sexual call, an invitation. When the flower is attracting butterflies and bees it is an invitation, because the bees and butterflies will carry the seeds of reproduction. Everything appears to be divided into these two polarities. And life is a rhythm between these two opposites. Repulsion and attraction, coming nearer and going far... these are the rhythms. So Put away your pointless taboos and restrictions on sexual energy , truly understand its wonder and beauty, let go and realise this freedon this incredible lightness of being, and honor the many sensefull moments, abide in the Blissful Spiritual cosmic unity, that arise, from a mind that is free
WOULD YOU,LIKE TO, EXPERIENCE A Cosmic Spiritual ORGASM? Relax into full body experience. Your first introductory session is Free
Contact a Tantra teacher now Skype Type this into your contact list: tantraspirituality email: i,m interested in tantra or send to Leave us a message on Skype
"We are devoted to your sensual awakening and helping you achieve a higher state of sensual awareness. Our mission is to enlighten you in the mysteries of Tantra. We will reveal ancient methods of heightening and prolonging erotic pleasure, giving you the ability to become multi-orgasmic. In doing so, we will sweep away the guilt and negative stigma so commonly associated with western views of sexuality. Most importantly, our gentle manner and loving nature make us genuinely caring and sensitive to your needs."
Good luck! As you receive pleasure the whole universe receives pleasure through you "Buddha sitting under his Bodhi tree" is in a deep inner orgasm. The inner forces have met, they have melted into each other. Now there will be no need to seek a woman outside because the meeting has happened with the inner woman. And Buddha is non-attached to, or detached from, woman outside, not because he is against woman, but because the ultimate phenomenon has happened within. Now there is no need. An inner circle has become whole, now it is complete. That is why such grace comes to Buddha's face. It is the grace of being complete. Now nothing is lacking, a deep fulfillment has happened, now there is no further journey. He has achieved the ultimate destiny. The inner forces have come to a meeting and now there is no "conflict". But it is a sexual phenomenon.