What is the G-Spot? In 1980, two sex researchers stood and spoke to a meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS) in Dallas and told the audience something they could scarcely believe. Alternating at the lectern and each speaking for no longer than five minutes at a time, Drs Beverly Whipple and John Perry told the conference : There is a spot inside the vagina that is extremely sensitive to deep pressure. It is felt through the anterior or front wall of the vagina about five centimetres from the entrance. The spot is called the G spot or Grafenberg spot after the first modern physician to describe it. When properly stimulated, the G spot swells and leads to orgasm in many women. It is probable that every woman has a G spot. The researchers found one in every woman they examined. "It is the homologue of the male prostate," they said. At the moment of orgasm, many women ejaculate a liquid through the urethra that is chemically similar to male ejaculate but contains no sperm. As a result of stimulation of the G spot, women often have a series of orgasms. For many women, it is difficult to properly stimulate the G spot in the missionary position. Other positions such as the one with the woman sitting astride on top or the one with male entry into the vagina from the rear ("doggie style") work better. Because they believe they are urinating, many women are embarrassed about ejaculating. Their partners, thinking urination has taken place, often belittle them, which is one reason many women have learned to suppress orgasm. The strength of a woman's pubococcygeus (PC) muscles is directly related to her ability to reach orgasm through intercourse. Women can learn to strengthen their PC muscles or to relax them if they are too tense. How Does the PC Muscle Weaken? Childbirth is the most common reason for the PC muscle to weaken. Other factors that weaken the PC muscle are: aging, menopausal loss of estrogen, chronic abdominal pressure due to lung disease or heavy lifting, connective tissue disease, and nerve damage due to injury. What Happens when the PC Muscle is Weak? When the PC muscle weakens, a number of things can happen. A woman may develop urinary or stool incontinence, that is, an inability to control the bladder or bowel. A weak PC muscle can also lead to poor muscle control during labor and delivery; a decrease in sexual pleasure; or genital prolapse, an uncomfortable condition in which the bladder, rectum, or uterus moves down into the vagina. Genital Prolapse There are three main types of orgasm in women
: The vulval orgasm triggered by the clitoris; the uterine orgasm triggered
by intercourse; and a combination of the two. (Ref: Singer.) Many of the audience were sceptical. This was something that went against everything they knew or, indeed, had experienced themselves. In the previous two decades of sex research, Masters and Johnson had held full sway. Married couple Dr William Masters and Ms Johnson had experimented with large numbers of volunteers in their sex laboratory, wiring them for responses in breathing, heart beat, and other bodily functions during intercourse and masturbation. After closely observing the experiments, which they filmed, and questioning the subjects, they declared that the so-called vaginal orgasm was a myth. "The clitoris is the only source of orgasm in the female," they said, adding that stimulation of the skin, breast, nipples, ear-lobes, and mouth increased sexual response. The films taken by Masters and Johnson, their papers, their figures recording breathing rates, blood pressure, heart beat, vaginal lubrication and other physical responses had convinced almost everyone they were right. At the end of the 1980 conference, gynaecologist Dr Martin Weisberg of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia said the new information was "bull." "I spend half my waking hours examining, cutting apart, putting together, removing, or rearranging female reproductive organs. There is no female prostate and women don't ejaculate," he said. Afterwards, Perry and Whipple produced a woman whose vagina was being stimulated manually by her partner so that Weisberg could examine her stimulated G spot. He changed his mind. "The vulva and vagina were normal with no abnormal masses or spots," he said. "The urethra was normal. Everything was normal. She had her partner stimulate her by inserting two fingers into the vagina and stroking along the urethra lengthwise. To my amazement the area began to swell. It eventually became a firm oval area, one by two centimetres in size, distinctly different from the rest of the vagina. In a few moments, the subject seemed to perform a Valsalva manoeuvre (bearing down as if starting to defecate), and seconds later several cc's of milky fluid shot out of the urethra. The material was clearly not urine. In fact, if the chemical analysis in the paper (given him by Perry and Whipple) is correct, its composition is closest to prostatic fluid." After checking with some of his own patients,
Weisberg was finally convinced that women can and really do ejaculate.
Those women whose G spots are highly sensitised in the vagina experience not only multi-orgasms in the vagina with ejaculations some or most of the time but also clitoral orgasms. The orgasms from clitoral stimulation are well-known and familiar to most women; the vaginal orgasm is deeper and may be more satisfying and emotional. Women who experience vaginal orgasms, especially those who also ejaculate, usually have very healthy libidos. One 50-year-old woman, a regular ejaculator, says she never refuses her partner sex at any time because: "I may not be asked next time." Such a woman not only enjoys her sex: she needs it often. Whipple and Perry believe the G spot is glandular tissue. It is a sensitive area which can be made aware of by stimulation. How does a woman develop her G spot? There are several ways. If she spends her entire sex life on her back in the missionary position (man on top, facing each other), the G spot will most likely not be stimulated and could remain unnoticed in the wall of the vagina. On the other hand, if another position is used regularly, for example, if the penis enters the vagina from the rear, the penis will most likely bump firmly against the G spot and sensitise it. It can however take some time before the G spot is sufficiently sensitised by this position in intercourse alone. This is why a woman should stimulate herself with a vibrator or her fingers if she wants to develop a awareness of her G spot quickly. A woman cannot easily find the spot when lying on her back, since gravity tends to pull the internal organs down and away from the opening of the vagina; and neither fingers nor penis will normally find it. It is much better to use the squatting or sitting position. And because the first sensation she feels when touching the G spot feels like an urgent need to urinate, it's best if she experiments while sitting on the toilet. She should urinate before attempting to find the spot: with an empty bladder, she can ignore the urge to urinate, an urge that disappears in a short while, anyway. Using her fingers, she should explore the anterior (inside front) wall of the vagina using a firm upward pressure. She might also use firm pressure from outside at the same time with the other hand on the abdomen just above the public bone. As she finds and stimulates the G spot and it begins to swell, she will feel it as a small lump which will give her a distinct feeling. Some women have larger spots (up to the size of a walnut), just as some have larger breasts and some men have larger penises. But size doesn't count: the sensation is the same regardless of its size. However, just as some women receive more pleasure from stimulation of their breasts than others, some find G spot stimulation more pleasurable than others. She will want to apply firmer pressure on the G spot than she would on the clitoris if she were stimulating that organ. As she continues stimulation inside the vagina, which should feel slightly to moderately pleasurable, she might feel twinges or contractions in her uterus. When the urge to urinate leaves, she may wish to retire to a more comfortable position such as her bed. "Take a towel if you are still worried about urinating. Continue stimulating the spot while kneeling or sitting on your feet with knees apart," said Ladas, Whipple and Perry.
They added: "If you experience an orgasm, you may notice that it differs from the one you have experienced from clitoral stimulation. Some women will ejaculate a clear fluid at the moment of the orgasm, and some may feel a need to urinate just before it happens. If you do ejaculate, you will notice that the fluid is much clearer and whiter than urine and does not smell like it." The fluid is as copious as a man's ejaculate, colourless, almost odourless, and certainly enough to wet the bed. A man can play an important role in supporting and initiating female G spot orgasms and ejaculation by inserting his fingers, perhaps the index and middle or two middle fingers, into his partner's vagina and stroking the anterior (inside front) wall with a "come here" motion. Well-trimmed fingernails can be a good idea; reasonably strong pressure is indicated. A stimulated G spot will feel spongy and different from the rest of the vagina. Stroking the G spot firmly in this way can bring on a relatively quick orgasm or several of them. The area becomes hard and firm like an erect penis as it swells, sometimes to the size of a walnut. It can be felt between both sets of fingers, the man's stimulating through the anterior vaginal wall and the woman's pressing down on her abdomen above the pubic hair line. Whereas a woman can initiate the inside stimulation, it is easier for a partner to stimulate her than for her to do it herself. "The G spot does not lie on the vaginal wall itself, but it can be felt through it," says Beverly Whipple in her paper How to Find the Grafenberg Spot. It is usually felt about half-way between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix and feels like a small lump that swells as it is stimulated. When it is first touched, many women reply that it feels like they have a need to urinate, even if the bladder has just been emptied. However, within two to ten seconds of massage, the initial reaction is replaced in some women by a strong and distinctive feeling of sexual pleasure. Some women report an orgasm from stimulation of this area and some also report an explosion of fluid from the urethra when they experience this type of orgasm. The fluid expelled looks like 'water-down fat-free milk.' "Women have reported that they have difficulty
locating and stimulating the G spot by themselves (except with a
a G spot vibrator, or similar device) but they have no difficulty in
identifying the erotic sensation when the area is stimulated by a
partner. The problem
with trying to locate the Grafenberg spot by the woman is that she needs
very long fingers and/or a short vagina to reach the area while lying
on her back."
Knowledge about and stimulation of the G spot is every woman's birthright. Whether or not she chooses to develop awareness of her G spot, she should at least know about it and how it can give her pleasure. She can, if she so wishes, find and stimulate her G spot manually over weeks and months until it becomes a highly sensitive organ when stimulated. A vibrator or dildo can be helpful in this, especially one which bends upwards at the end. However, something else is needed. A key factor in the enjoyment of the G spot is the strength of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. Ladas, Whipple and Perry discovered that strong PC muscles were necessary for vaginal orgasms and female ejaculation. "The strength of a woman's PC muscles is directly related to her ability to reach orgasm through intercourse," they said. After treating hundreds of women, the researchers found that those who had strong PC muscles could experience vaginal orgasms with some of them ejaculating. Those who had weak PC muscles could have neither. Both women and men have PC muscles which are part of the sexual equipment of both. The stronger their PC muscles, the higher their pleasure from sex. PC muscles are in a group; but as they are banded together and mainly used together, we will refer to them as one muscle. The PC muscle is sometimes used involuntarily during intercourse. A woman may squeeze her partner's penis during the act and for sure when she has a vaginal orgasm. Like a man, she can use the muscle purposely when interrupting the stream during urination. Both sexes should exercise their PC muscles regularly if they wish to be good lovers and enjoy their sex to the utmost. Sex therapists know the value of a strong PC muscle. Urologists also know it because they can usually cure incontinence if the patient develops a strong PC muscle. Both professionals measure the strength of female PC muscles with a device called a perineometer. This consists of a vaginal probe with a tube attached, at the outside end of which a pressure sensor displays a reading. When the patient contracts her PC muscle thereby squeezing the inflated probe, the pressure she exerts is measured and displayed as a digital readout. PC muscles can be weak from lack of use or from being in a state of constant tension. Some women have constant tension in their PC muscles caused by psychological or physical problems. The tension eventually weakens these muscles so that they become much less effective. The perineometer will tell the therapist whether the patient is suffering from chronic tension - in which case psychological counselling is usually indicated - or if the muscles are merely weak from disuse. Any muscle will weaken if it is not properly exercised. The exercises needed to strengthen the PC muscle are easy to do and can be carried out in public without anyone knowing. Just imagine you are urinating and you contract your pelvic area to stop the flow. The muscle you have just used is the PC muscle. Try, then, to push down with your pelvic area as though you are having a bowel movement. Again, you have used your PC muscle. However, don't use the stomach, buttock, or thigh muscles. If any of these move, you have not isolated the PC muscle. You need to isolate the PC muscle if you are going to strengthen it. Women can check to see if they have chronic pelvic tension by using a mirror to watch their vaginal entrance. If you cannot see an opening and closing of the entrance when you contract and relax your PC muscle, you may have chronic pelvic tension.
The more you contract this muscle, the stronger it becomes. Some women make a habit of contracting their PC muscles every time they stop at a traffic light or pick up a telephone. Any habitual activity will do to as a reminder. It is important that the contractions alternate with equal periods of relaxation. You should start your exercise program by contracting your PC muscle and holding it for a period up to 10 seconds. If you can't hold it for this long, hold it as long as you can, then relax the muscle for the same number of seconds before contracting again. As your PC muscle becomes stronger with exercise, you will find you can hold a contraction for 10 seconds easily. Again, relax the muscle for the same 10 seconds. When a woman has developed her G spot and has
also developed her PC muscle so that she can squeeze a penis or her fingers
or other object and hold this contraction for ten seconds or more, she
is ready for vaginal orgasms and, very likely, ejaculations. Why the Ignorance? Assuming Ladas, Whipple and Perry are correct in that the G Spot is enjoyed by a large number of women, why isn't it common knowledge? There are several reasons. When western women speak to each other about sex, they speak generally rather than specifically. If a woman is telling her female friend about her love life, she probably says that her partner is "good in bed" or "not good in bed." She rarely goes into details as to what he does or does not do. This reticence of hers hardly lends itself to good communication or education about sex. Rather, the average western woman learns about her sex, if she learns much at all, from woman's magazines and sex books. With only a few exceptions, the literature during the past twenty years has followed the findings of firstly Kinsey and then Masters and Johnson. All three were important pioneers in the study of sexual response; but, as with all pioneers, they were capable of making mistakes. Alfred Kinsey and his fellow researchers in the 1950's sought to discover what part or parts of the female genitals were most sensitive to sexual stimulation. Three male and two female gynaecologists tested more than 800 women by softly touching sixteen points including the clitoris, labia major and minor, vaginal lining, and cervix. In order to avoid any criticism that they were less than scientific, they used a device similar to a Q-tip. However, the area of the G spot inside the front wall of the vagina responds to deep pressure and not soft touch. Kinsey and his researchers concluded in error that the clitoris was sensitive and the vagina was not. Masters and Johnson compounded the mistake. From their study of Kinsey, they assumed that the clitoris was the only source of sexual excitement. Volunteers for their work were selected on the basis that the best ones were those whose clitoris was easily stimulated to orgasm. Why haven't doctors or gynaecologists, as a general rule, discovered the G spot? Doctors are trained to not stimulate their patients sexually for fear that their intentions might be misinterpreted. The G spot is not palpable until it is stimulated. Just as a penis is flaccid during a medical examination, so is a vagina unstimulated. Of all the doctors who have examined vaginas, probably not one of them has felt a G spot for the simple reason that the G spot was always unstimulated. Knowledge of the G spot has been available for many years but it hasn't caught on. Ladas, Whipple and Perry's book mentioned "A New View of a Woman's Body" issued in 1981 by the Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centres. Calling the area "the urethral sponge," the Federation said the area's function was "to surround and protect the urethra by filling with blood during sexual excitement and intercourse, acting as a buffer between the penis and the urethra." The feminists had accurately described the G spot but had misread its function. Dr Ernst Grafenberg described the spot and also female ejaculation in his 1950 article : "The Role of the Urethra in Female Orgasm"; but the article, obviously, was not widely read. The few medical specialists who did read Grafenberg and went along with his theories were ignored or considered crazy. Urologist Bernard Hymel, MD, started refusing to operate on women referred to him for treatment of urinary stress incontinence (leakage of urine) occurring during intercourse as they were, in his opinion, experiencing female ejaculation. On three formal occasions, Hymel tried to convince his fellow colleagues of his views, but he was unsuccessful. Ignorance of the G spot and female ejaculation may have caused untold misery for countless women worldwide. One 21-year-old woman wrote that she and her husband were convinced that she was urinating on him every time they made love, which they did with her astride in the top position. He was finally so angry that he peed on her, left, and sued for divorce. (Women who find themselves in a similar situation with their husband should show him the different compositions of female ejaculate and urine on page 189 of Ladas, Whipple and Perry's book: The G Spot.) Other women reported that for all their sexual lives they believed they were some sort of freak. "I've never revealed my secret simply because every article I've ever read has insisted that such a happening is impossible. I have felt like a freak or a nympho for many years, and I'm sure my husband thinks so too," wrote a woman of thirty-seven. The feminist movement unwittingly helped to promote ignorance of the G spot and female ejaculation by their desire to lessen woman's dependence on man. Feminists felt that switching the focus of attention away from the vagina in favour of the clitoris was a valuable way of doing this. They generally have chosen not to believe in the vaginal orgasm theory. In summary, it was not easy, as Ladas, Whipple
and Perry found, for anyone to disagree publicly with Masters and
and their followers. As late as 1990, this author attended a scheduled
lecture at the University of Queensland, Australia when a professor
categorically that the only source of orgasm in women was the clitoris.
The audience included about one hundred young male and female undergraduates,
many of whom to this day probably still believe this myth. When I
him afterwards, the professor said : "The question of vaginal orgasms
is not popular with my colleagues in the medical faculty." He had
not heard of Ladas, Whipple and Perry, and there was no convincing him. Kegel's - The Pubbocoxygennus
(PC Muscle) Exercise PC exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, strengthen the pubbocoxygennus muscle (PC muscle), a sling of muscle that surrounds your anus and prostate gland. The PC muscle is the muscle that involuntary "pumps" when you ejaculate. Strengthening - and learning to control - this muscles is key to great sex. Kegels are named after Arnold Kegel, M.D., the gynaecologist who developed them over 40 years ago). Women have been practicing these moves for years to intensify their orgasms and increase their partners' stimulation. Now, sex therapists and researchers have discovered that both partners can benefit sexually when men do Kegels too. Time-honoured Taoist healing techniques refer simply to "tightening the anus." Finding the PC Muscle: PC clamps: squeeze and release your PC muscle. Start with a set of 20-30, and work your way up to sets of 100-200. Do at least 300 EVERYDAY, for the rest of your life. This will give you an erection harder than when you were a teenager. Continual practice will ensure you a rock hard erection, any time you desire, as well as giving you the ability to actually hold back your orgasm as long as you desire simply by flexing your PC muscle. Long squeeze: hold PC muscle clamped tight for a count of twenty... or as long as you can. Stair steps: tighten and loosen in increments. PC flutter: tighten the PC muscle as slowly as you possibly can. At some point it will "flutter," and you'll feel energy sparkling up your spine. Concentrate on deep, slow breathing while you do this - great for restoring energy when you're running down! Kegel exercises both strengthen and tone the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle-which runs from front to back in men's and women's pelvises--as well as the surrounding pelvic muscles. The PC muscle is what helps bring a man or woman to climax, and, along with other pelvic muscles, it also controls urination. For a man who wants to learn how to perform Kegels, the first step is locating the PC muscle. Here's how: Some time when he has the urge to urinate, he should sit on the toilet with his legs spread, start to urinate, then try to stop the flow. (The PC muscle is the one he squeezes to do this.) After restarting the flow, he can practice stopping and restarting the stream of urine. It may take several attempts to actually isolate the PC muscle--the buttocks muscles have a tendency to kick in if the legs aren't kept wide. When a man has familiarized himself with the sensation of contracting the PC muscle, he's ready to practice holding the contractions. He should first try holding a contraction for several seconds three or four times a day. Over the next few weeks, as he continues doing Kegels, he can gradually increase the time of the contraction until he is holding it for 10 to 15 seconds. Next, he should alternate these Kegel holds with a series of short, quick contractions. Dr. Hartman recommends that men gradually work up to a daily routine of 100 quick PC contractions and five holds. (Women who want to learn how to do Kegels should follow these same steps, but they only need to do the long holds for five seconds; men, however, need the 10- to 15-second hold for delaying ejaculation.) After a few months of diligent practice, a man should be ready to try using the Kegel hold during intercourse to delay ejaculation. But first he must familiarize himself with the sensation known as ejaculatory inevitability--the point at which he can no longer hold back an ejaculation. He will feel an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate as his prostate gland and seminal vesicles contract. Once a man has developed an awareness of this sensation, he can then learn to produce a PC contraction before he reaches that point of no return. (Another option is for a man to try practicing this technique on his own while masturbating.) Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises; women may want to practice Kegels in private since for them, the increased blood flow to the pelvic region is more likely to spark arousal. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men (and women) head off urinary incontinence later in life. That plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longer-lasting sex make these some of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do. I do at least 5 sets of a hundred every day, and some days I even go for 10 sets.. This exercise, without a doubt, can increase your sexual performance 10 fold. PC Massage: The object of this exercise is to
enhance ejaculation control by massaging your PC muscle. Using your prostrate
as a point of reference, reach around your back and place two fingers
in the area between your anus and scrotum. With steady pressure press
the fingers firmly upwards and you will hit the PC Muscle. With an erection,
you can pump your fingers up and down, and you will notice that your penis
will start to swell and pulsate. During intercourse when you are excited
and about to climax, use your fingers to press firmly against your PC
muscle for several seconds then release. Repeat until your need to climax
diminishes. Always remember to try to have fun while you perform these exercises. Adjust them to your time schedule; learn what you like and, if you can, involve your partner. For the quickest and best results, you should exercise everyday, faithfully. The muscles won't increase in strength overnight, but if you stick to your routine, you should start noticing changes after about three weeks. Finding the PC Muscle: Exercising the PC Muscle: The Benefits For Men:
This place is often called the G spot, named thus after the doctor Ernest Grafenberg, who described it for the first time in 1950. Although not a new idea, the presumption about the existence of the G spot is still controversial, some women discovered it, others not. The current theory is that the G spot is a "collection" of glands, channels, blood vessels, and nervous endings, surrounding the woman’s urethra. Consequently, where is this place? The great majority of the women who say they discovered this point locate it at about 4-5 cm inside the vagina, on the upper anterior vaginal wall, right behind the pubic bone. Nonetheless, there are some women who discovered their G spot more in the back of their vagina. When a woman is not excited, the G spot is more difficult to discover, but you can feel a prominent portion of tissue. When it is stimulated, it can grow up to the size of a coin, or even more, extending on the vaginal wall. Some specialists suggest that the best way to discover it is right after the orgasm, when the G spot is stable and dilated. They recommend that you hit it gently with a frequency of once a second, and to experiment with both light and deep penetration. Another suitable moment for the stimulation of the G spot is when your lover is close to the orgasm. It is more likely that she will enjoy these light strokes if she is already aroused. Try to touch her clitoris with your tongue while you stimulate her G spot with the finger and you will see how much pleasure you will cause to your lover. You should know that some women feel a slight discomfort or a sensation like urinating when their G spot is discovered for the first time, so you should talk your exploration plans with your lover and let her know that if this reaction appears, there is no problem. It may take about a minute until the discomfort is replaced by pleasant sensations. If this feeling of discomfort or fear of urination persist, you may suggest that she finds it herself. She will discover it easier if she seats, or if she fears that she will urinate, suggest that she goes to the bathroom before making love, so that she will be certain that her bladder is empty. Lovemaking in the missionary position does not touch the G spot. It is a lot easier to stimulate this point with your penis if your lover is lying on her stomach, and you penetrate her from the back, or if she is on top and she can adjust the stimulation as she likes it. Also, the shallow penetrations are better for the stimulation of the G spot. In order to find more about the stimulation of this point with the fingers, read the article Lovemaking and G-spot |