
1:Baba Muktananda Just as a river flowing for a long time, merges(435 kB)
2:Become the water(272 kB)
3:Being vegetarian here also means(612 kB)
4:But past and future exist(322 kB)
5:Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny-(391 kB)
6:Emptiness(297 kB)
7:I do not for a moment, ask you to understand me(341 kB)
8:I honor those who(214 kB)
9:Just as a river(306 kB)
10:The Dark Time of Kali(433 kB)
11:The Fragrance of the Rose(428 kB)
12:The moment I have realized God(374 kB)
13:Words and thoughts concerning compassionate(535 kB)
14:You see everyone through your fog of opinions(306 kB)
15:as you look back upon your life(279 kB)
16:help the world(1 mb)
17:here yielded no fruit(220 kB)
18:how then are you to live(452 kB)
19:is a sacred gift(290 kB)
20:muktananda state of perfection(407 kB)
21:the emperor(317 kB)
22:they don't know what love is(358 kB)
